Burns Lab
Cardiovascular diseases represent the number one cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, affecting a broad spectrum of ages from babies that are born with congenital heart defects to adults that suffer acute myocardial infractions and/or develop congestive heart failure over time. Our research program is motivated by the simple assumption that we can use the zebrafish as a model organism to understand how the cardiovascular system is established during development and how it efficiently regenerates following injury during adulthood.
Current Projects in the Burns Lab include:
- Heart Development
- Cardiovascular Progenitor Cell Biology
- Heart Function
- Pharyngeal Arch Artery (PAA) Development
- Pathways Regulating PAA Development
- Modeling Great Vessel CHDs
- Progenitor Heterogeneity
- Heart Regeneration
- Barriers to Cardiomyocyte Proliferation
- Epigenetic Control of Heart Regeneration
- Genetic Control of Heart Regeneration
For more information, visit the Burns Lab website.

Caroline Burns
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Department of Cardiology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Contact Dr. Burns at Caroline.Burns@childrens.harvard.edu.

Geoff Burns
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Department of Cardiology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Contact Dr. Burns at Geoff.Burns@childrens.harvard.edu